Thursday, March 17, 2011

Gratitude Journal - Day 9

Today I am grateful for the wonderful folks in my Spiritual Formation Group.
 For the last two semesters I have been blessed with the opportunity to work with a group of first year students as they learn the art of discernment through the exploration of a variety of spiritual practices.
In today's session we did Centering Prayer and Clearness Committees ( a Quaker practice). I continue to be amazed at how much of themselves these students bring to our meetings. Despite being bogged down in the uncertainty and overwhelming workload that is the life of a first year seminarian, these folks show up to our little group every month and participate fully. 
Many of them are just coming from class or need to rush off to class afterward, and some forego eating lunch to make our 12:30 start time. Yet they always express appreciation for the hour and a half of stillness, reflection, and prayer that our time together gives them.  
I know I appreciate it. 
These folks fill me up.  
And for that I am grateful.  

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