I have an interview on Sunday at the church where I want to do my field ed next year, which means I'll have to "dress to impress" rather than "dress for trudging several miles in the snow." So get praying!
It's a great church. I went there for the first time back in January and I liked it instantly. It's about 2.5 miles from school so I walked there on my first visit, although I had to walk in the street most of the way as the sidewalks were covered in about a foot of ice and snow at the time. When I got there one of the members who saw me walking introduced herself, escorted me inside and announced to everyone in the foyer "this woman walked all the way from A*ndover N*ewton!"
Bam! I was swarmed with people introducing themselves, telling me all about the church, inviting me to stay for coffee hour. One woman was impressed at my attempt to reduce my "carbon footprint" by walking instead of driving. Only a tree-hugging lefty liberal would say something like that so I knew that this was a church where I would fit right in. ;-)
The service was great, the building is beautiful with stained glass windows and gothic architecture (it looks more like the Catholic church that I grew up in then a New England UCC church), the pastor was very friendly, and it turns out that I know the woman who is their field-ed student this year (she's in my preaching class) so she was able to put in a good word for me.
I got to know quite a few people at coffee hour and I went back the following week and sat through their 2-hour congregational meeting (which I think impressed them even more then the walking). Then I lucked out - the pastor is taking his Field Ed supervisors course at my school so we met for lunch last week. (In a freaky coincidence, he's also a cyclist and he was wearing the same bicycle chain bracelet that I was). This past Sunday I met with the chair of the committee that oversees the FE program, and this Sunday I'll meet with the whole committee.
Unfortunately, the chair of the committee told me last week that they just had another student from my school apply for the position, so to be fair they'll meet with her right after they meet with me.
Of course I just smiled and said very cheerily "Of course, I understand."
But inside I was saying, "Oh no you di'int!
Did Miss Jane-y come lately trudge through 2 miles of snow, sit through a 2-hour congregational meeting, and does she have the same cool bracelet as the pastor?? I think not!"
I know, I know, competition is a part of life, so I should just get over myself.
But don't you hate when something feels like it's meant to be and then someone/something comes along and throws a monkey wrench into your "sure thing"?
God loves doing that.
We go onto google maps and plan out how to get from point A to point B and then God comes along and moves all the streets around.
Me, I'm just going to keep trudging along, and praying for clear roads and good weather!
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